AHAA launches new site.

AHAA is refocused and moving into a new decade with a fresh, clean, powerful approach to representing the Hispanic-specialized marketing industry. The new Web site, http://www.ahaa.org> signifies the evolution of AHAA: the progression into a new era of industry leadership for the organization. Representing the best minds and resources dedicated to the Hispanic consumer market, AHAA will use the Web site as an entry point for advertisers to explore the Hispanic market potential and for members to network and collaborate with colleagues.

The Web, with nearly 1.8 billion Internet users worldwide and explosive growth of more than 380 percent from 2000 to 2009, is the gateway to a world of influence and opportunity. “Our new Web site is the face of AHAA and makes a statement about who we are as an industry and an organization,” says Gisela Girard, AHAA chair and COO of Creative Civilization – An Aguilar/Girard agency.

“We will continue to build content, and provide news, information and resources that demonstrate the value of the Hispanic market and the experts who connect advertisers with the diverse Hispanic consumer marketplace,” Girard adds. “We want the new AHAA Web site to inspire dialogue, and showcase the strength, knowledge and creativity of our members. We want to ensure the site is dynamic like the members and consumers we serve, and provides a platform for the collective voice of our industry on important topics, issues and opportunities unique to Hispanic-specialized marketing.”

AHAA’s new site features an online discussion platform where visitors can create a customized My AHAA networking page. Visitors can post opinions or questions on issues and articles; share blogs, videos and photos; create groups and exchange direct messages with other network members. An AHAA Members-Only section – a first for the organization – allows members to access special promotional offers and discounted rates, exclusive research, and forums.

“With the increasing interest in the thriving Hispanic consumer market, advertisers are gaining confidence in the potential return on investment and allocating more money to Hispanic marketing,” Girard says. “For those advertisers still confused about the value of the marketplace, we want AHAA to be a comfortable place for them to ask questions, find answers and establish relationships with agency experts. We anticipate, with the population spike expected with the upcoming Census, more advertisers will be investigating Hispanic market spending. We want advertisers to trust AHAA to help them navigate the complexity of the marketplace and recognize the benefits of hiring Hispanic market experts – AHAA member agencies.”

The new AHAA site was designed and developed by AHAA member agency Sensis following a diligent request for proposal (RFP) process initiated by the AHAA Marketing Committee.

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