Allstate Celebrates Life Journeys of Hispanics with ‘Viviendo en Buenas Manos’ Campaign

Allstate Insurance Company is launching its new Spanish-language advertising campaign “Viviendo en Buenas Manos” (Living in Good Hands). The campaign is a celebration of the life journey of Hispanics in the United States.

“’Viviendo en Buenas Manos’ is about the pursuit of a better life and it reminds people that while working hard to get to the next level on that journey, they should pause, enjoy and celebrate all of the good things in life that are all around them,” said Georgina Flores, director of multicultural marketing for Allstate Insurance Company.

The campaign launches with a brand commercial introducing consumers to the “Viviendo en Buenas Manos” message, followed by additional commercials that highlight benefits of Allstate auto and home insurance. “Road of Life,” the brand commercial and the first in the series, showcases key moments in the journey of Hispanics who come to the U.S. in search of a better life, while highlighting the hard work and the rewards that come along with the journey.  The product ads will continue to provide glimpses of everyday situations that can stop you momentarily, but also how quickly you can go back to enjoying life when you are well protected.

“Our new campaign is a continuation of Allstate’s longstanding marketing programs to connect and engage with the Hispanic community,” Flores said. “Hispanic Americans strive to protect their families and the things that are valuable to them. ‘Viviendo en Buenas Manos’ aims to demonstrate how Allstate can help protect what means most to you so you can make the most of life. That’s living in Good Hands.”

Viviendo en Buenas Manos’ campaign appears in surround-sound, national media, starting with television and extending to radio, digital, social, and other media.

The campaign was developed by Lápiz, a Leo Burnett Agency, and was led by Creative Director Maria Bernal, and Associate Creative Directors Jorge Pomareda and Carlos Bretel, and directed by Josh Melnick and Xander Charity.

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