alPunto Advertising launches first “Clean Air” Campaign in So Cal.
June 15, 2013
Tustin based alPunto Advertising launched this week the first ever Latino targeted effort from SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District).
The effort is multi-tiered with TV, radio, outdoor, transit, digital and grassroots efforts. “I was taken by surprise when I found that it is us, here in beautiful Southern California, that have the worst air quality in the country! That pollution
affects us all, but in particular children, the elderly and us Latinos”, states alPunto VP Enrique Turégano.
The effort launched July 1st and runs through the end of the year. Politicians such as Supervisor Josie Gonzales from San Bernardino are involved in this program and have conducted interviews with Univision and Telemundo.
The effort aims at getting Latinos to change their every day behavior to help clean the air with small steps such as carpooling, combining errands or taking public transportation.
alPunto has also partnered with a few local Hispanic retailers (Curacao, Cardenas and Northgate) to help get the word out to the community.