alPunto Advertising wins RFP to develop Comic Books.

alPunto Advertising has been awarded an RFP from a California health care provider to develop three comic books targeting teenagers.

The books will be developed in English and Spanish (a total of six books), and will address three very important health and social issues:

1) Nutrition and Exercise
2) Smoking
3) Bike Riding Safety

The task calls for complete development of the storylines and computerized illustrations to tell the stories.
The three heroes to feature in the comic books are Super Nutricia (fighting childhood obesity and previously developed by alPunto), The Eradicator (fighting teenage smoking) and Rad Rider (promoting bike riding safety, in particular helmet use).

“Developing these comic books is tricky; we have to deliver an important message while being fun and relevant to a teenager’s lifestyle and social environment. Also, we are fighting peer pressure and this consumer’s desire to be rebels…it takes a lot of consumer understanding to do this project well.” Says alPunto’s Enrique Turégano.

The process alPunto will implement to develop the stories will include deep research in order to understand barriers, real and perceived feelings and pinpoint the most effective manner in which to deliver these important messages.

Once completed (end of summer), future efforts will include events and grassroots activities to continue delivering the messages.

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