America’s Newest Generation [REPORT]

Magid Generational Strategiesreleased new research that identifies unique traits and characteristics of the generation of Americans born after the Millennial Generation.  The research includes more than 50 quantitative surveys totaling over 150,000 interviews, as well as hundreds of ethnographic and qualitative research sessions.

Central to the Magid Generational Strategies research findings is that the members of the Pluralist Generation are witnessing the fragmentation, or pluralism, of our society on many other fronts as well. The Plurals’ formative years are spent watching the erosion of dominant media, the rapid emergence of fragmented and niche-based voices, growing conflicts surrounding demographic changes and the second longest economic decline in U.S. history.  The research unveils the Plural mindset as it relates to media, politics, business, education, communication and religion.  In a key departure from the optimism of the Millennials, the Pluralist Generation is the least likely generation to believe in “The American Dream.”


Any business seeking to effectively engage kids, tweens and teens as consumers now must understand the Pluralist.  “Our culture has come to accept Millennial behaviors and attitudes as the norm for tweens and teens, but those kids are no longer Millennials, they are Plurals,” said Hartwell.  “As Plurals emerge as the youth in America, it will be vitally important for all facets of society—from schools to media companies to retail companies—to understand this generation.”

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