ANA Unveils New Mission As Center of Excellence For Marketing.

Bob Liodice, President and CEO of the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), unveiled a sweeping new mission for the organization to become the Center of Excellence for Marketing. During a speech at the ANA Annual Conference at The Ritz Carlton, Laguna Niguel in Dana Point, CA, Liodice outlined six specific industry platforms that the trade association will focus on to meet this goal.

“Recently, the leadership of the ANA – our senior staff and Board members – embarked on an exciting journey to redefine the purpose of the ANA in light of dramatic marketplace changes. These include the impact of technology, the shift in power to the consumer, the need for marketers to be accountable and government regulation,” said Liodice.

“Today we are announcing a new ANA that will help our member marketers continuously keep pace with the fast changing science of consumer connections. Our mission now is to provide industry leadership and proprietary resources that enable our members to build brands, improve marketing productivity and drive business results,” Liodice added. “We will reach out to our members, industry participants and industry partners, and use the knowledge that we cull from these sources to encompass all of the critical dimensions of successful marketing communications.”

Liodice outlined six specific platforms that the ANA will focus on. It will leverage its proprietary resources to help today’s marketers:

Strengthen brand management, strategic planning and execution

Control costs by streamlining processes and creating efficiencies

Optimize media management and integrated marketing communications

Develop professional marketing talent

Shape industry platforms that advance the practice of marketing and promote free markets, free speech and free choice

Champion the value and power of marketing

“Our objective today is to be the comprehensive marketing resource that fulfills the multi-dimensional needs of our members—a position that few, if any organizations can occupy,” Liodice said. “By establishing this association as the Center of Excellence for Marketing, we are committing the resources of the ANA to be the marketing industry’s champion and leader…and to speak out on the issues and challenges that confront our membership.”

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