Annual Survey Findings on Latina Blogging Industry – The Business of Blogging
March 21, 2015
The survey, completed this March, revealed that 70 percent of respondents considered their blog their business, with 41 percent being solely accountable for all aspects of the blog’s production and amplification, including content creation, editorial posts and social media sharing.
The survey highlights three key professional goals for Latina influencers as they build their businesses this year:
• 36 percent listed reaching out to more brands as their number one priority.
• 13 percent indicated that investing in video and learning to sell products on their blog was a solid priority.
• More than 30 percent indicated that being less distracted by recreational media is key to increasing daily productivity.
Content and Platform Trends
According to the survey, the most popular topic covered by Latina bloggers has shifted from parenting tips to lifestyle themes, including beauty, travel and food. Of the survey respondents, 35 percent identified as lifestyle influencers, while 22 percent indicated covering parenting themes.
Additionally, the research indicates that more than 90 percent of the Latina influencers surveyed look to increase their video production in 2015. Currently, video is only used in 10-25 percent of the content they produce.
“We cannot say enough that video has climbed to the number one spot on the radar of brands and agencies. The Latina market is reflective of that trend,” added iBlog Magazine’s Matt Cherry.
When it came to identifying platforms that yield the most inbound traffic, the trend remains similar to 2014 results. While Facebook remains the top platform used by Latina influencers to connect with their growing communities, there is a clear increased focus and reliance on Instagram and other visual platforms like Pinterest.
“Latinos already over index in their use of mobile and social platforms, so the research highlights key learnings that are synonymous with the community and help marketers understand how to invest their digital campaign dollars to drive online engagement,” added Cristy Clavijo-Kish of Latina Mom Bloggers.
The survey also analyzed English- and Spanish-language use among Latina bloggers and influencers. English continues to be the dominant language but the use of Spanish did increase from 2014 results. Of the respondents, 25 percent identified as Spanish content producers and 27% indicated they create bilingual content.
Other interesting survey results revolve around the self-identifying questions for the influencers and the level of education achieved. Respondents indicated that 31% were between the ages of 31-35 while 49% were 35+ years old with more than 55% having two or more children and 87% achieving an Associates Degree or higher.
Latina Mom Bloggers, iBlog Magazine and BodenPR released the results of their annual national survey on blogger and influencer trends among Latinos. Presented at Hispanicize 2015, the findings identify the business aspirations, social media platform use and content production trends among professional bloggers and influencers growing their business and audience.
The team includes iBlog Magazine CEO and Founder Matt Cherry, the Latina Mom Bloggers managing partner team of Angela Sustaita-Ruiz, Piera Jolly and Cristy Clavijo-Kish, BodenPR Founder and Managing Director Natalie Boden .