APPA launches Pets Add Life PSA campaign in Spanish.

American Pet Products Association (APPA) President Bob Vetere announced the organization is offering all Hispanic TV stations across the country a public service announcement campaign called Pets Add Life (PAL) which demonstrates the joys and health benefits derived from having pets.

Hispanics are one of the fastest growing groups in the country yet, according to APPA’s 2009-2010 National Pet Owners Survey, Hispanics own pets at a much lower rate than other demographic groups.

Numerous scientific studies have found that pets are actually good for our health as they help fight depression, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and prevent heart disease. All of these health benefits pets provide can help lower health care costs for people. Studies have also found that having a dog can help humans stick to healthy exercise routines. The Pets Add Life campaign aims to let Hispanics know that pets are a daily dose of good health and happiness. The campaign also highlights the most popular benefits of pet ownership — that pets provide companionship, love, company and affection to their owners and they are fun to watch and have in the house.

“The Hispanic population is an important group in our country’s demographic make-up and we want to make sure that Spanish speaking Americans have access to the same valuable information about pets,” said Vetere. “That’s why we have translated all the materials in the Pets Add Life campaign including these three thirty-second TV spots in hopes that the Hispanic audience who sees them will find the spots entertaining and helpful at enhancing their health, lives and happiness.”

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