BBQ Agency And Tono Studios team up for TV & Radio Spots for Nonprofit “Forever Foundation”

Award winning audio post house Tono Studios collaborated with Pablo Buffagni of BBQ Agency for a series of highly impactful and unorthodox radio and television spots to raise awareness for nonprofit organization the “Forever Foundation.” The successful Spanish language campaign is ongoing both in the United States and in El Salvador where the organization is doing the majority of its fieldwork.

The Forever Foundation, or Fundación Forever in Spanish, works with people of all ages to fight poverty through a non-traditional approach. They
examine the underlying causes of poverty and work towards cultural integration between those in poverty and those above it. Forever Foundation
utilizes programs like the one promoted by the campaign: the commitment by more than ten private universities in El Salvador to have at least 30% of
their students coming from poor areas in the next few years.

To effectively engage audiences, BBQ Agency conceived spots that would begin as though they were everyday commercial ads or traditional PSAs,
before abruptly changing course and becoming a parody of the status quo.

“We wanted to capture the attention of the audience by mocking up the traditional public service advertising and social marketing programs from
commercial brands,” said Pablo Buffagni. “The point is to draw attention to the cultural divide and the fact that what we’ve been doing to fight poverty
isn’t working at all.”

One parody spot was couched as an advertisement for a sandals brand that would give away just one sandal, not a pair, to people in need if consumers
bought two pairs. Another started as a traditional PSA, asking for help for people in need. However, in an ironic twist, the people asking for help are
senior executives at major humanitarian organizations, who would use the budget to travel to conferences around the world.
For the television spot, produced by Davant-Garde Media, a classroom is portrayed with the teacher asking a question of the students. One raises his
hand, however after pulling back, it’s revealed he isn’t in school – he’s outside looking in while washing the windows.

Tono Studios collaborated with BBQ on the spots, not only providing all of the sound effects and design for the radio and television pieces, which set
the stage so effectively for the surprise twists, but also helped in talent acquisition. Tono was able to provide the voiceover services of El Salvador
native Jorge Garcia as the main voice for the initiative.

“The music in Forever Foundation’s radio spots was essential to create the mood for every individual scenario and we treated each song with effects and
room ambiences to give life to the illusions presented,” said Tono Studios Chief Engineer and co-Founder Jaime Zapata. “We then add to that with our
voice talent, delivering a deep, close and somber tone to convey strength in the message. This was a wonderful project to work on.”

For the music of the TV spot, BBQ Agency also asked for Juancho Leguizamon’s collaboration.

The radio spots for Forever Foundation are accessible via Tono Studios’ Soundcloud: CLICK HERE.



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