Being Digital Can’t Save Every Ad

Is the end of the pop-up ad near? A September 2014 study conducted by Harris Interactive for Goo Technologies found that 29% of US internet users thought the ad type wouldn’t survive the next 10 years—the highest percentage out of all formats studied. Banners were the second most likely to vanish, according to respondents, cited by 19%.

Mobile ads tied with video as the most likely to survive the next 10 years, with 94% of respondents saying so. And advertisers seem to agree: eMarketer estimates that US mobile ad spending will come in at $18.99 billion this year before rising 50.0% to hit $28.48 billion in 2015. At the same time, spending on digital video ads in the US will leap 56.0% in 2014, to $5.96 billion, and grow an additional 30.4% next year to total $7.77 billion.

No matter what stays and what goes, Harris Interactive and Goo Technologies found that one thing was for sure: Consumers expect advertising to change over the next 10 years, with just 11% saying the opposite.

The majority (58%) of respondents said that advertisers would have more personal consumer data by the end of this period, and similarly, 52% felt that ads targeted toward certain demographics would improve. Animated billboards, geolocation services and advanced technology such as retina scans were also expected to rise in usage.

Courtesy of eMa

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