Boehringer Ingelheim launches “Cuida tu Don” with Entertainer “Don Francisco”

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BIPI) announced the launch of ‘Cuida tu Don,’ a national public awareness initiative featuring legendary entertainer Mario Kreutzberger, better known as ‘Don Francisco.’ Kreutzberger, who has type 2 diabetes, will serve as an ambassador for the initiative and encourage Hispanics with type 2 diabetes to live a lifestyle conducive to staying healthy. ‘Cuida tu Don,’ translated as ‘Take Care of Your Gift,’ is designed to engage, educate and inspire Hispanics with type 2 diabetes and their families. The initiative provides resources and information in three key aspects of diabetes – nutrition, fitness and treatment options – to the estimated 3.2 million Hispanics in the United States with the disease.

“Type 2 diabetes is a very serious disease but the tools to live a healthier life can be presented in an inspiring way that incites positive action,” said Kathleen Dowd, senior vice president of marketing at BIPI. “Don Francisco is a beloved personality and we’re excited he’s part of our effort to get vital information and advice in the hands of a community that continues to see a rising incidence of type 2 diabetes.”

One of the main areas of content on ‘Cuida tu Don’ is the webisodes in which Don Francisco, known for his candid interviews of celebrities, conducts an in-depth interview with a person living with type 2 diabetes. They discuss life before diagnosis, the common struggles with day-to-day disease management and relay real-life successes and challenges from the first-person perspective. The unifying message of this campaign is that type 2 diabetes need not stand in the way of a full life, which is shared by both Don Francisco and the people he interviews.

“Interviewing these men and women made me realize that my own experience mirrors theirs and how type 2 diabetes can leave even the most diligent person feeling overwhelmed or discouraged,” said Don Francisco. “I was honored to be asked to be part of this wonderful program that offers real information and useful content about type 2 diabetes to the nation’s Hispanics.”

The website also shares videos with tips and advice from various experts like a fitness trainer, a nutritionist and Dr. Luis Salmun, executive director of health sciences executives at BIPI. General tips like making checklists of daily management tasks, keeping a blood glucose log and videos with in-depth advice about vital subjects like proper foot care, healthy food choices, etc.

Engaging Communities

To take the initiative into communities and ensure content reaches Hispanics with type 2 diabetes across the country, Boehringer Ingelheim has also partnered with organizations in key markets to share ‘Cuida tu Don’ messaging and information. Current partners include White Memorial (Los Angeles), Montefiore Diabetes Clinic (New York), Clinica Asociacion Cubana (CAC) Medical Center (Miami) and Diabetes Center of Puerto Rico with support ranging from in-hospital signage to social media support.


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