The Boy Scouts get it, how come you don’t?

    Just like probably everyone in our industry I have been watching the current NBC News Nightly News series this week on Hispanics in America titled “We the People,” however I want to call your attention to a web
only extra that is part of the series but has only appeared online.

Kudos to Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive and the Boy Scouts of America for recognizing the value of targeting Hispanics and acting on it. There are many in Corporate America who could learn much from Bob and the plans the Boy Scouts have to connect with Hispanics.  I urge you to use this video in your agency’s new business efforts to convince those in Corporate America that still don’t believe they need to invest in the Hispanic market.  When an organization as American as the Boy Scouts sees this opportunity and acts on it, one wonders why others companies still don’t get it and continue to ignore or underinvest in this market that everyday makes up a larger piece of the US.

I leave you with the words of Bob Mazzuca from the NBC piece  as speaks to why they target Hispanics, “To me it is a no-brainer it is absolutely essential we get this right.”

To view piece CLICK here.

Jose Lopez Varela

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