Brand Effectiveness through Mobile: An Oreo Case Study [CASE STUDY]

According to the IAB, mobile advertising spend is growing at an unprecedented rate, doubling in 2012 alone from the previous year to reach $3.4 billion. But research is just beginning to tap into what makes this new advertising medium tick, and there is much for marketers and the industry at large to learn about leveraging mobile channels most effectively.

As is common when new advertising channels arise, marketers are eager to learn more about the ability of the channel to drive a branding impact. To help provide a greater understanding of mobile advertising effectiveness, the IAB, in partnership with Vibrant Media and comScore, conducted a research study, with Oreo as the test brand, that looks at the branding impact and consumer engagement of various mobile ad formats. The study leveraged comScore Brand Survey Lift™ Mobile, a survey-based branding effectiveness solution for mobile campaigns.

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