Building educational and career pathways for Latinos in advanced technology.

The document is intended to be both a final summary report of research conducted under National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant 0119858, as well as an essay on the general state of research and policy analysis pertaining to Latino access to and achievement in technical career paths.

Pertaining to the first objective, the authors will provide an overview of the methods and procedures of the NSF study, cite key findings, and discuss strengths and shortcomings of the project. To this end, the presentation of findings will be selective rather than comprehensive. The co-investigators on the project have previously published a number of more focused and detailed reports that are referenced in this document.

Regarding the second objective, this summative essay will deal more broadly with how to get a research and policy “handle” on the continuing problem of Latino involvement in the knowledge economy. In addition to reviewing our results and the more general literature in this context, the authors will make a number of program and policy recommendations.

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