
5 Questions advertisers want answered [REPORT]

Advertisers need to track their entire ad spend with comparable metrics across platforms to get the full performance picture.

5 Ways CMOs Can Build Back Trust in the Boardroom

The CMO role is under fire, but there are ways they can earn respect and trust in the C-suite

Where did Integrated Marketing Go Wrong?

3 Steps for Modern Marketers to Increase Effectiveness of Integrated Campaigns.  By Roberto Orci

2/3 of CPG Marketers cite return on Ad Spend as the most important performance indicator [REPORT]

According to the results of a new survey on the future of outcome-based metrics and tools for marketing effectiveness, two-thirds (67%) of consumer packaged goods (CPG) marketers say that return on ad spend (ROAS) is the most significant advertising key performance indicator for their business today – followed by 16% indicating target audience reach was most critical, purchase intent (10%) and clicks and online engagement (7%). Brand Innovators conducted this survey in collaboration with NCSolutions (NCS).

Why CMO tenure is at its lowest point in the past decade [REPORT]

CMO tenure is the lowest it has been in over 10 years, and while new data suggests that 86% of CEOs believe CMOs have the power to influence key decisions of the C-suite, less than a third actually trust their CMOs to grow the business.

Modern marketing dilemmas: What role does brand play in the consumer decision journey?

Mental vs. physical availability: winning brands are easy to mind and easy to find. Find out how to make sure your brand will be chosen.

Why “er” is the most important suffix in marketing

For a while now I have been using the phrase, "Easy to mind, easy to find, and easy to pay," to describe a simple recipe for brand growth. But brands grow when marketers make it easier for people to choose them. So, for it to grow, a brand needs to be easier to mind, easier to find, and easier to pay.  By Nigel Hollis

FOLLOW THE GROWTH: Engage The U.S. Hispanic Audience To Achieve DEI at Scale [ VIEW WEBINAR HERE FOR FREE]

The 2020 Census made it crystal clear that the time to act is now. Companies who aren’t engaging Hispanics with targeted efforts are at risk of being left behind. At the same time, brands and their agencies are dealing with the complex challenges of finding premium supply, achieving scale, and doing all of that in a culturally-relevant way. Join this C-suite panel as they discuss the challenges and opportunities they face in activating Hispanic audiences for critical business growth.

Marketing Report: Era of Alignment [REPORT]

Despite the difficulty of the past two years, brands continue to re-balance their marketing efforts after widespread pullbacks in 2020, especially with respect to traditional mass reach channels like TV and radio.  As they rebalance, agility remains critical. Consumer behavior isn’t just in flux—it has changed.

Horizon Media launches eMbrace

Addressing the need to leverage a data-driven approach to align cultural imperatives with a brand’s marketing and business priorities, Horizon Media developed the idea and overarching purpose of eMbrace and enlisted Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) to develop the software and data solution.

26% of global marketers are confident in their audience data [REPORT]

Nielsen released its 2022 Annual Marketing Report, which found marketers are prioritizing digital first, but have struggled over the past two years to keep up with consumers’ changing media habits. Titled “Era of Alignment,” the first global report of its kind, illustrates how marketers need confidence in their data to focus equally on brand building and customer acquisition, doing so through both upper-funnel and lower-funnel planning and execution.

Build an Agile Marketing Strategy [REPORT]

Fast-changing events can upend marketing strategic plans, requiring rapid shifts and marketers are expected to react with speed and agility.

Five ways brand marketing creates financial value

So much is written about why brands are valuable. And about how brand marketing influences future buyers. I should know, I have written a lot about those topics. But I am not sure that I ever really mapped out the different ways brand marketing creates financial value. Here is my first attempt, I would love to know what you think.  By Nigel Hollis

In-Content Ad Placement Combined with Traditional TV Campaigns Can Increase Brand Reach by 44 Percent [REPORT]

Mirriad announces its latest whitepaper: The Lost Audiences - Regaining Control. The paper highlights in-content advertising as a continually growing avenue for brands and advertisers to engage with audiences in an impactful and non-disruptive way, and explores how companies can recuperate lost GRPs and expand reach via the use of in-content advertising.

What Your Agency Needs To Know About Opportunities In The Metaverse

Most people still have only a vague idea of what the metaverse is — and this shallow understanding only seems to feed the sense of urgency and fear of missing out on opportunities in the metaverse.  by Mark Duval - The Duval Partnership

The Changing Face of Media Consumption [REPORT]

In the modern digital world, on average US adults spend 8 hours a day with digital media - more than they do sleeping. Increasingly, marketers need to understand a new, omnichannel consumer and reach people in the many places they engage — including booming channels like streaming TV, ecommerce and more.

Why Are Some Marketers Still Lost In Translation?

One of the aspects of my career I like the most is the opportunity to mentor young professionals, and a few days ago, I received a request from someone asking for my advice. She has been asked to help her employer, an ad agency, translate a creative idea created for the "general market" (which means Anglo Caucasian consumers) from English into Spanish to target Hispanics with it.  By Isaac Mizrahi - Co-President of ALMA

Management-Model Innovation: How Marketing Can Save the World

Marketing can save the world. I believe this is true. But how? By pushing organizations, from the inside, to innovate with management models that aim to build social equity and improve the environment, while still measuring and achieving profitability.  By Pablo Turletti

What is an effective frequency for advertising?

Let's be clear up front, the answer to the question posed in the title is it depends. The frequently used rules of thumb will be frequently wrong because the specifics of advertising objective, media channel, and product category make them so. But there are guidelines to be observed and there are myths to be ignored.  By Nigel Hollis

U.S. AD MARKET OUTLOOK down by 1% based on economic impact of Russian Invasion of Ukraine

MAGNA reduces its 2022 advertising spending growth expectation due to economic and geopolitical uncertainty, but media owners’ ad revenues should still grow by +11% this year to pass the $300 billion milestone.

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