
FSU Center for Hispanic Marketing – Online Course on Hispanic Marketing: Spring 2008.

After two successful semesters, an online course in Hispanic Marketing Communication will be offered again this Spring by the Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication. The center, headed by Dr. Felipe Korzenny, is pioneering education in Hispanic Marketing Communication.

Rural Schools reveals a dramatic increase of minorities and overall enrollment growth.

A report issued by the Rural School and Community Trust (Rural Trust) uncovered new trends and challenges facing rural educators. Overall, enrollment in rural schools is up by 15%-a reversal of the year-over-year declines seen in these
communities. While overall enrollment is on the rise, the most startling data revealed in Why Rural Matters 2007: The Realities of Rural Education Growth, is the 55% increase in rural minority students, with some states experiencing increases of more than 100%.

Increased interest in science, engineering and math among Latino High School Students.

The Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) and the National Research Center for College & University Admissions (NRCCUA) announced the results of a new study, which found Latino high school students are increasingly more interested in math, science and engineering subjects with a decrease of interest in technology.

Univision launches industry’s first Digital Television Conversion Education Campaign.

Univision Communications Inc. announced that it has launched a massive multi-platform campaign to educate the country’s Hispanic population on the upcoming Congressionally mandated transition from analog to digital television broadcasting (DTV). Univision is taking the lead, starting its education program well ahead of the other broadcast networks in order to ensure that all Hispanics in the U.S. and Puerto Rico are appropriately informed about this complex and important issue.

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