
The Hispanic Vote Is Up For Grabs [INSIGHT]

Univision Communications Inc. in partnership with preeminent political research firms David Binder Research and Moore Information, released the findings of a study on the Hispanic voter profile that confirm that the Hispanic vote in the 2016 election season is up for grabs. Directly contradicting the common assumption that Hispanics always vote Democrat, the study found that 55% of Hispanic registered voters age 25-54 are persuadable and in fact, frequently cross party lines.

Americans Should Pay More Attention to Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicine Labels

Millions of Americans depend on OTC medicines to deliver relief for minor ailments. While most Americans surveyed report they understand the importance of reading the OTC label, many also report not paying consistent attention to it as a critical tool for the safe and responsible use of OTC medicines.

Mobile Will Be Key In Reaching Latino Voters [INSIGHT]

Surveys from a variety of sources demonstrate that Latino voters will be critical to the outcome of the next U.S. Presidential election, as well as many other races. For this essential bloc of voters, it’s mobile advertising that gets the message across.

Students, Computers and Learning – Making the Connection [REPORT]

Are there computers in the classroom? Does it matter? Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection examines how students’ access to and use of information and communication technology (ICT) devices has evolved in recent years, and explores how education systems and schools are integrating ICT into students’ learning experiences.

Class of 2025 expected to be the biggest, most diverse ever

That’s because in 2007 U.S. births surpassed 4.3 million – a feat not seen since 1957, when college enrollment was less common. Based on trends today, demographers can make certain assumptions about what share of those children will eventually graduate from high school and go on to college.

GfK Market Research Competition for Undergraduates – – focus on Mobile Marketing, Brands

Consumers’ growing reliance on mobile tech devices and services is forcing marketers to rethink almost everything they do. In its fifth Next Generation (NextGen) Competition, GfK is urging undergraduates to submit proposals for innovative market research projects studying the interactions among consumers, mobile technology, and brands.

Bring On The Political Commercials – And The Dirtier The Better

Local TV stations around the country are looking forward to a banner year in 2016, when spending on political advertising is expected to soar. As a big fan of political commercials, I say: Bring ’em on.

Univision News partners with Miami Dade College

Univision News has entered into a partnership with Miami Dade College (MDC) to implement Fellowship and Internship programs in one of today’s fastest growing digital fields: animation and game development.

2015 to 2016 Political Advertising Outlook [REPORT]

Political advertising is forecast to hit a record $11.4 billion in 2016, 20% more than the last comparable Presidential Election year of 2012. Adding what will be spent on next year’s contests in 2015, political advertising still holds a whopping $16.5 billion. See what the forecast looks like 2016 and beyond.

What Life Sciences Marketers can learn from Hollywood about Buying Consulting and Agency Services

Recently, TheNew York Times published an article headlined, “What Hollywood Can Teach Us About the Future of Work.” In it, the author marvels at the “Hollywood model” of work: where ad hoc teams carry out large and complex projects, requiring diverse talents with complementary skills. Per the article: “A project is identified; a team [of contractors] is assembled; it works together for precisely as long as is needed to complete the task; then the team disbands.”

Univision Digital joins MIT Media Lab

Univision Digital, the digital division of Univision Communications Inc. (UCI) announced that it has joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab to explore cutting-edge technologies for news and information in the digital space. announces the 2015 Hispanic Account Planning ‘Excelencia” Awards Winner announced the 2015Hispanic Account Planning ‘Excelencia ‘ Awards (HAPE) winners during the 2015 USH Awards gala event during the 2015 AHAA conference in Miami, Fl.

2015 announces Media Planning “Excelencia” Awards Winners announced the winners of the 2015 “Excelencia” Media Planning Awards (HMPE) at a luncheon during AHAA annual conference in Miami, FL on Tuesday  April 28, 2015.

Thanks to Strong Sales, Vinyl Albums Are Off and Spinning

First it was 8-track tapes, then cassettes, then compact discs and now, it’s digital. And for a long time, it looked like digital auditory advancements would ultimately kill off vinyl–perhaps the most potent, transcendent and game-changing form of music content discovery to date.

Missed Opportunities: Assessing Latino Turnout in 2014

Across the board voter turnout was down in 2014. In 2010 about 91 million votes were cast and turnout among the voting eligible population was 41.8 percent. Four years later only 81 million peopled voted for a turnout rate of 35.9 percent according to data collected by Professor Michael McDonald. Looking at Democratic losses in states such as Colorado, Florida and Illinois, some observers questioned whether Latino turnout in particular was even lower. While not all 50 states have data available on official validated vote in 2014 yet, most states have now reported vote history and we can assess what happened in the 2014 midterms.  By Matt Barreto

80% of Students use Mobile Technology to Study

Of the different types of learning technologies available, students found that adaptive learning technologies were the most effective, with 85 percent indicating a moderate or major improvement in grades.

12 % of postsecondary institutions known as Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), enrolled 60% of Latino undergraduates

HACU and Excelencia are committed to informing the work being done to address and improve Latino student success in higher education. These two national organizations have coalesced to develop a common list of HSIs in the absence of an official annual list of HSIs released by the federal government. The lists follow a methodology that aligns as closely as possible to the definition of HSIs as established in the Higher Education Act.

More Than Half of All College Graduates Say Recent Grads Will See a Lower Return on Investment from Their Education

More than half of all college graduates (55 percent) say recent graduates will see a lower return on investment (ROI) from their education than college graduates 10 to 15 years ago, according to the 2015 College Degree Investment Survey conducted by Nielsen (formerly Harris Interactive) on behalf of Greenwood Hall Inc.

Smithsonian highlights Hispanic Advertising History

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will acquire objects documenting the development and legacy of Sosa, Bromley, Aguilar & Associates, an advertising agency that became the top billing Latino agency in the industry.

Strategies for Improving Achievement of Young Hispanic Language Learners [REPORT]

In the drive for expanded access to high-quality early education programs, stakeholders need to understand and address the unique learning needs of young Hispanic dual language learners (DLLs), according to a new report from Educational Testing Service (ETS). The report examines the emerging research base on strategies for supporting the learning and development of DLLs in preschool and the early primary grades.

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