
Comcast & One Economy roll out National Digital Connectors Program.

One Economy and Comcast Corporation announced the rollout of a major technology learning initiative that teaches teens and young adults about broadband technologies and how to put that knowledge to work in a wide range of community service activities. With a $1.2 million commitment from the Comcast Foundation, the Comcast Digital Connectors program will be rolled out in at least 22 locations across the United States.

PBS and impreMedia stream Sotomayor Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings.

PBS announced an agreement with impreMedia to live stream PBS’ NewsHour feed of Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s Senate confirmation hearings, translated to Spanish, on impreMedia’s Web site.

NASA starts Agency’s first Bilingual Twitter.

NASA astronaut Jose Hernandez, set to fly aboard space shuttle Discovery in August, is providing insights about his training on Twitter in both English and Spanish. It will be the agency’s first bilingual Twitter.

Who’s Hispanic?

Is Sonia Sotomayor the first Hispanic ever nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court? Or does that distinction belong to the late Justice Benjamin Cardozo, who served on the court from 1932-1938 and whose ancestors may or may not have come from Portugal?

A Latina for the Supreme Court!

I think Obama has locked up the Latino vote for 2012 with his nomination of federal judge Sonia Sotomayor. If confirmed, this Bronx-raised, Princeton-educated Puerto Rican woman will be the first Hispanic on the US Supreme Court.

The right-wingers are already frothing at the mouth, calling Sotomayor a “liberal judicial activist of the first order.” Go right ahead…alienate us Hispanics–and many moderates of all ethnic stripes–even more.

I agree with Congressman Xavier Becerra of LA who said a few weeks ago that if Obama were to pick a Hispanic for the Supreme Court, there would be an “off the charts reaction” among Latinos. This is a great day for the US…a proud moment for Latinos.

By Manny Gonzalez. To read El Blog CLICK above.

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