
Calling all Graduates get a job you deserve!

It’s that time again, when the country produces hundreds of thousands of new college graduates eager to jump into the work force. However, many of these bright, young college grads settle for jobs that require only a high-school diploma! Often, this is because they don’t know how to job-search or plan a career, and are urgent to simply land a job that pays the bills. Later, they find it difficult to get into a career because they have no good work experience on their resumes. What can a student or recent grad to assure that they land a position they deserve?

Terra Nostra: Solamente Salma exhibit.

Ford Motor Company’s Mercury brand has signed on to sponsor “Terra Nostra: Solamente Salma,” a series of actress Salma Hayek paintings by renowned film director Robert Rodriguez and accomplished muralist George Yepes. The exhibition features 16 acrylic on canvas paintings, each eight by five feet in size and will be on display at the Blue Star Contemporary Art Center in San Antonio, Texas, from April 7 until June 18, 2006.

Majority of parents have set little or no money aside for college costs.

The cost of a higher education is daunting for a lot of parents, and they may have good reason to worry. A new Wall Street Journal Online/Harris Interactive Personal Finance Poll reveals most (97%) U.S. adults who are the parent or legal guardian of a child 18 years of age or younger expect their oldest child in this age range to attend college, and nearly eight in 10 (79%) of these parents expect to pay for some or all of their child’s college education. While parents overall appear to have a reasonable expectation of how much they will probably need to pay, the poll finds that a majority has saved little or nothing for this anticipated expense.

A Half-Century of Learning: Historical Statistics on Educational Attainment in the USA.

In 1940, statistics on educational attainment were collected for every person enumerated in the census and from a sample of them thereafter. In 1940, only 25 percent of the population age 25 and older had a high school diploma, and just 5 percent earned a bachelor’s degree or more. By the close of the 20th century, these figures had increased to 80 percent with high school diplomas and 24 percent with bachelor’s degrees. Educational attainment data are shown by sex, race and Hispanic origin (since 1980) at the regional and state levels. These data are based on the decennial census and are separate from annual data collected in the Current Population Survey.

National spending per student rises.

U.S. public school districts spent an average of $8,287 per student in 2004, up from the previous year’s total of $8,019. In all, public elementary and secondary education received $462.7 billion from federal, state and local sources in 2004, up 5.1 percent from 2003.

La Agencia de Orcí offers UCLA Latino Marketing course.

La Agencia de Orcí & Asociados will be teaching their annual University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) college-level course as part of 2006 Spring UCLA Extension curriculum. “Marketing and Advertising Effectively to the Latino Consumer,” one of the few courses of its kind offered in the U.S., has been a part of the UCLA Extension program for over two decades.

Cinco de Mayo information.

May 5, 1862, marks the Mexican army’s victory over the French invaders at the Battle of Puebla. In the United States, the celebration of this victory has come to be known simply as “Cinco de Mayo.” Along with Mexican Independence Day on Sept. 16, Cinco de Mayo has become a time to celebrate Mexican heritage and culture.

Ken Deutsch – Media Planning Executive Of The Year.

Ken Deutsch Media Director of Grupo Gallegos was honored by his peers with the “ 2005 Media Planning Executive of the Year” award at the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies bi-annual conference in Los Angeles, California on Thursday April 6, 2006. ‘Excelencia’ Media Planning Awards. announced the winners of the 6th Annual Excelencia Media Planning Awards at a luncheon during The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) 20th semi-annual conference entitled AHAA Knows Latinos. presented awards for the best media plans in nine categories as well as the “Gran Plan,” and the Media Executive of the Year. The annual Excelencia award winners were selected by industry leaders and peers from among media plans submitted by more than 60, a record number, of Hispanic agencies.

Cesar Chavez Day.

One night in the 1880’s, a man named Cesario Chavez crossed the border from Chihuahua, Mexico, to El Paso, Texas. He was fleeing the hardships of his homeland to make a better life in the United States for his family. Decades later, his grandson, Cesar Chavez, would make a stand in the fields of California to fight for a better life for all farm workers.

NCLR Study: ‘No Child Left Behind’ can work for English language learners.

A new report by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) examining the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) on English language learners (ELLs) concludes that while the law has not been implemented adequately, it holds considerable promise for closing the achievement gap between ELLs and other students.

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