Cable In The Classroom Seeks Cable Partners For Technology-Education Projects.

To spur innovative collaborations between the education and technology worlds, and to demonstrate the value of cable’s technology and services to the education community, Cable in the Classroom (CIC) issued a Request for Proposals from its multiple system operators (MSOs), cable systems, and programming network members.

The invitation seeks ideas for one-year demonstration projects, to be carried out in partnership with educators, which have significant educational impact through the use of technology and content.

“We’re looking for projects where cable and education partners will work together to demonstrate the unique teaching potential and learning power of combining cutting-edge technology with cable content resources,” noted Peggy O’Brien, Ph.D., Executive Director of CIC. “We’re striving to spearhead the formation of educationally rich demonstration projects. The education community is as anxious as we are to show evidence of technology’s impact and eager to work with the cable industry to make it happen.”

The two projects selected for funding will begin in 2002 and run for one year. CIC will fund and manage a separate research and evaluation component to ensure publishable findings for each of the two projects. In addition, CIC will provide funds to enhance the educational value of the project. For example, these monies may be used to convene an initial planning meeting between partners, and underwrite costs associated with teachers’ travel and professional development. The deadline for proposal submission is July 31, 2002.

Among the criteria CIC will use to evaluate the proposals are:

a clear demonstration of cable’s value in teaching and learning; the potential for real learning; community impact;
strategies for sustainability and replicability; high-caliber partnerships; use of curriculum-based programmer content; include provisions for a summary report at completion that can be shared with the cable and education communities; and
built-in assessment and evaluation components.

The proposals will be reviewed by a committee of education and cable leaders. A selections announcement will be made in mid-September, 2002.

Cable in the Classroom will provide consultation, education expertise, and connections to education entities. In addition, CIC will oversee the plan and execution of the research component for each project. The Request for Proposal is available online at

CIC represents the cable telecommunications industry’s commitment to education – to improve teaching and learning for children in schools, at home, and in their communities. This is the only industry-wide philanthropic initiative of its kind; since 1989, 8,500 cable companies and 39 cable networks have provided free access to commercial-free, educational cable content and new technologies to 81,000 public and private schools, reaching 78 percent of K-12 students. CIC focuses on five essential elements to ensure quality education in the 21st century: visionary and sensible use of technologies, engagement with rich content, community with other learners, excellent teaching, and the support of parents and other adults.

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