Caudillos II – Glut of personality

  By Gonzalo López Martí – LMMIAMI.COM

  • Mark Zuckerberg, Trevor Kalanick, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos.
  • Last names are brands.
  • More than ever before.
  • We need to believe there’s a human being behind the products and services we buy.
  • We need to root for them.
  • Deposit all our hopes & expectations on them.
  • Life is more simple this way.
  • We worship the self.
  • Caudillos.
  • Which leads to another, more philosophical question: if we supposedly live in the age of flattened hierarchies, democratization of information and hyper-collaboration, why do we still need familiar faces in positions of power?
  • We Latin Catholics are particularly prone to this trait.
  • Mejor malo conocido que bueno por conocer.
  • The Anglo Protestant mainstream, however, is not immune to the bug either.
  • Look at the political dynasties running the country: Bushes, Clintons, Pauls, Cuomos.
  • Is there some sort of atavistic drive pushing us to behave this way?
  • Is it herd mentality?
  • Have we finally become a hopeless society of drooling groupies?
  • Is it a throwback to a more simple era when we delegated our personal decisions to paternalistic leaders?
  • Has the age of hyper awareness, hyper information & hyper collaboration gotten so messy and chaotic that we crave for authority figures we can follow like lemmings?
  • Are we mired in so many mindboggling choices that we just gave up and want somebody else to make decisions for us?
  • Are we so immobilized by the abundance of data that we are collectively drawing a blank, a cognitive blackout?
  • What if it is the total opposite?
  • What if we are entering the age of the hyper ego?
  • What if the deafening cacophony that surrounds us is just a consequence of a fierce competition among millions of egos out there?
  • Needy, high-maintenance, high-strung and, more often than not, pathetic egos screaming for attention.
  • Maybe nobody is listening to anyone or anything.
  • Maybe it’s just an ocean of monologues nobody pays attention to.
  • Maybe we are all charismatic caudillos giving riveting speeches to imaginary crowds.


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