Census: School Districts in NY & NJ Spent Most Per Pupil On Education.

School districts in New York and New Jersey led all states in the amount of money spent per student on elementary and secondary education in 2001, according to the Commerce Department’s Census Bureau.

Other findings:

– State governments contributed the greatest share of public elementary and secondary school funding: $201 billion. Local governments followed at $173 billion and the federal government was the third largest contributor at $29 billion.

– Public school systems spent $410.6 billion, up $30.1 billion from 2000. About $212.7 billion was spent on instruction, $118.7 billion on services that support instruction, $48.9 billion on capital outlay and $30.2 billion on other noninstructional items.

– School districts invested $36.0 billion in school construction, up 13.3 percent.

– School district debt reached $201.6 billion, an increase of 13.0 percent. Texas, California, New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan borrowed more than $2 billion each for building construction, reconstruction and refinancing.

The tabulations contain data on revenue, expenditure and debt for individual public elementary and secondary school systems with enrollments of 15,000 pupils or more.

Data for this report come from all elementary and secondary school systems and are not subject to sampling error. The data are subject to possible error from miscoding and misidentification of schools.

To view table shows per-pupil expenditures from the 2001 Annual Survey of Local Government Finances — School Systems for the United States and the top five states or equivalents CLICK Above on ‘More Images’.

To view federal, state, and local governments public elementary-secondary education finance data CLICK below:


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