Cheskin Launches Hispanic Consumer Immersion Workshops.

Pouring through reams of demographic data and sitting in on a few focus groups is no longer enough for many companies looking to target the Hispanic consumer. With a reported spending power of nearly $600 billion, too much is at stake to get just a superficial understanding of this growing and diverse market. Strategic market research and consulting firm, Cheskin, is addressing this need by giving clients the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local Hispanic culture.

The company’s new offering, The Cheskin Hispanic Consumer Immersion Workshop, provides a first hand absorption of the Hispanic consumer experience as it becomes part of the participant’s own experience. This isn’t just a guided tour. Participants are given tools and guidance to help them more skillfully observe the nuances of the neighborhoods, cultural centers, shops, and restaurants they visit. They are encouraged to interact within the various environments, from purchasing a choco-banano or two, to sampling the taquitos al pastor from the neighborhood taquería.

As Carolina Echeverria, a Partner at Cheskin explains, “this is a very authentic, natural encounter that will involve all five senses: taste, feel, sight, sound and touch. Our goal is to give participants the ability to intuitively understand Hispanic consumers so that they can develop products, brands and communication that truly resonate with the Hispanic audience.”

In addition to the exploratory experience, the workshop also includes a day of debriefing, presentations, and interactive exercises. All of this puts the first day’s observations in context. The workshop is designed for companies who are looking to develop new products or brands targeting the Hispanic consumer, or who wish to extend the reach of their current offerings by more successfully communicating with this market.

“The need for this type of understanding is tremendous,” says Ricardo Flores, Cheskin Strategic Director. “Many companies are just now coming to realize that if they don’t respond in an authentic way to their Hispanic customers, their competition will – and sooner rather than later. Translating their current package or campaign into Spanish isn’t the answer.”

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