The Circular Economy [INSIGHT]

Among some of the world’s top corporate leaders, there’s a growing understanding that traditional business models—built on the presumption of unlimited and cheap natural resources—must be reworked for 21st century realities. Our latest trend report outlines the alternative model that’s taking shape and how brands across categories are becoming more circular, rethinking everything from product design to relationships with their customers. The circular economy is an important topic not only because the approach is far better for the planet but also because tapping into its principles may well be essential to long-term competitiveness.

The circular economy represents a markedly different way of doing business, replacing established practices like planned obsolescence with new approaches to generating profits. Our report examines how brands from Puma and Ford to Ikea and Starbucks are upending various elements of the status quo: leasing rather than selling products, remanufacturing goods, seeking ways to extend the life of products or their components, finding more value in waste, or designing for circular use.

In addition, the report explains how the circular economy differs from the linear economy, why this concept is gaining more adherents now and what it means for brands. The report also incorporates insights from interviews with several experts and influencers.

Among some of the world’s top corporate leaders, there’s a growing understanding that traditional business models—built on the presumption of unlimited and cheap natural resources—must be reworked for 21st century realities. Our latest trend report outlines the alternative model that’s taking shape and how brands across categories are becoming more circular, rethinking everything from product design to relationships with their customers. The circular economy is an important topic not only because the approach is far better for the planet but also because tapping into its principles may well be essential to long-term competitiveness.

The circular economy represents a markedly different way of doing business, replacing established practices like planned obsolescence with new approaches to generating profits. Our report examines how brands from Puma and Ford to Ikea and Starbucks are upending various elements of the status quo: leasing rather than selling products, remanufacturing goods, seeking ways to extend the life of products or their components, finding more value in waste, or designing for circular use.

In addition, the report explains how the circular economy differs from the linear economy, why this concept is gaining more adherents now and what it means for brands. The report also incorporates insights from interviews with several experts and influencers.




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