CMO Survey Insights [REPORTS]

In the latest edition of The CMO Survey, trends concerning martech, customer insights and strategy stand out above the rest. First, leading marketers appear to be doing more with less. Among marketers outperforming the growth of their markets, a differentiated strategy is cited as the top contributor to their success (60.3% of respondents), while only a quarter of marketers cited adequate funding in comparison.

Meanwhile, marketing spend appears to trending towards martech. Senior marketers anticipate a 50% increase in their martech spend over the next 5 years, comprising nearly a third of marketing budgets, but this anticipated surge in martech spend belies ongoing problems with martech capabilities.

Marketers report utilizing only just over half of the tools they’ve actually purchased, and these tools are underperforming their overall expectations. Among these martech issues, insights and analytics also appear to pose a challenge. Only about a quarter of marketers report being able to identify actionable insights over their most engaged customers, or respond quickly when opportunities arise.

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