CNN en Español To Launch ‘Necesitas Saber Siempre’.

CNN en Español’s new Necesitas Saber Siempre (“You Always Need to Know”) campaign debuts pan-regionally this week in print, on TV and online, with outdoor and additional platforms to follow in April. Necesitas Saber Siempre will serve as the umbrella campaign for all CNN en Español services, including the network’s pan-regional and Mexico feeds,, and CNN en Español RADIO.

The campaign creative spotlights CNN en Español’s most valuable asset: the award-winning journalism of its anchor and correspondents. The initial phase touts the experience of some of the network’s best-known anchors, highlighting Patricia Janiot, Alberto Padilla, Diego Bustos and Daniel Viotto. The new strap line is an evolution of CNN en Español’s most recent tagline, Necesito Saber (“I need to know”), and communicates immediacy, reliability, relevance, and the power of knowledge.

“Today’s news consumer wants in-depth news and information readily available on his or her timetable,” said Christopher Crommett, senior vice president of CNN en Español. “The message to our viewers is that CNN en Español not only delivers all the top international news stories as they happen – our expert journalists show how these headlines will affect their lives, their businesses, their pocketbooks and their region of the world.”

The Necesitas Saber Siempre campaign was developed by Buenos Aires-based VegaOlmosPonce, which bested five other international agencies in an account pitch at the end of 2003. CNN’s in-house On-Air Promotions team produced and directed the TV spots in conjunction with VegaOlmosPonce, and the company’s internal Photo Services department shot all the print ads.

“CNN en Español’s journalistic standards are what fundamentally set us apart from our competitors in Latin America,” said Caroline Rittenberry, vice president of news communications for Latin America. “The campaign reaffirms to viewers that CNN en Español is the authoritative, ubiquitous provider of not just news, but knowledge, and mandatory viewing for those who want to stay on top.”

Necesitas Saber Siempre will launch with five initial print ads, two :15 second on-air spots and banners on both internal and external sites. The media plan includes exposure in approximately 20 highly-targeted print titles across Latin America, including Latin Trade, America Economía, various titles from Editorial Televisa, Aboard in-flight magazines, and Vogue en Español, among others. Further executions will be tailored to include specific tactical messages by country and region.

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