Connecting with Consumers in an Age of Change

By Charlotte Lipman

At its inception, TV was a broadcast medium that advertisers relied on for one-to-many marketing. Viewers were accustomed to appointment-style viewing, limited content options, and commercials with messaging that appealed to most consumers. Today, streaming services supply viewers with extensive on-demand video libraries powered by personalized recommendation algorithms and the ability to choose advertising. Effectively, publishers have put the “me” in “media.”

According to a multi-sourced DIRECTV Advertising report titled “Addressable Enters the Mainstream,” which includes survey data collected from 800 U.S. adults in 2022 through consumer insights platform Suzy, respondents are just as likely to define TV as traditional channels like NBC and ESPN as they are to use the term to refer to streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. Changing perceptions of TV can be attributed in part to the adoption of more sophisticated hardware. The Leichtman Research Group reports that smart TV penetration has increased by more than fivefold over the past 10 years and that nearly nine in 10 households have at least one internet-connected TV device (i.e., either a smart TV or standalone device such as a Roku or Chromecast).

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Courtesy of the Association of National Advertisers



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