Copa Toyota Libertadoes Sets Viewership Records @ Fox Sports en Español.

Building on the past success of its Copa Toyota Libertadores soccer coverage, Fox Sports en Español outperformed last year’s telecast by delivering a 6.5 Nielsen household coverage rating for the July 1 final match between Colombian underdog Once Caldas and defending champion Boca Juniors of Argentina. This year’s bigger rating resulted in a 16% increase in household coverage rating over last year’s championship final telecast, which weighed in with a 5.6 household coverage rating.

“Our household numbers clearly demonstrate that our audience thirsts for good quality, competitive Latin American soccer,” stated Tom Maney, Senior Vice President of Advertising Sales for Fox Sports en Español. “Advertisers recognize this too, and see the relative value of our soccer properties compared to other sports programming being offered on Spanish-language cable television. We expect to build on this year’s success and sell out our entire inventory for Copa Toyota Libertadores in 2005.”

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