David Beckham is leaving the MLS & the LA Galaxy … Suerte!
February 25, 2013
For the last six years, Mayor League Soccer (MLS) has put all of their eggs in one basket and money too … David Beckham.
He is leaving after his next game. FINALMENTE.
Too much money spent in this erroneous marketing notion. The MLS LA Galaxy exists among the largest Mexican population in the USA, the DMA of Los Angeles. Definitively, not the largest British or white population in the USA.
Simple math.
As Mitt Romney realized at 8pm set time on Election Day 2012, Hispanics and other minority group can and will give you a LOSS if you do not understand them and catered to them.
The MLS should take a page out of the MLS DC United in Washington DC during the late 1990’s when they had a player from El Salvador playing for the team. The stand where half full at RFK Stadium and they were all Hispanics. Very few Soccer Moms. Once he was traded, the attendance went down dramatically.
Why? The majority of the Hispanics in Washington DC are from El Salvador. Duh!
So if this is AMERICA 2012 … why not heavily populate all MLS teams with Central American and South American talent?
You have a better shot at filling the stands!
Why are ESPN Deportes, Fox Deportes and all other Hispanic focused sports programs highlighting the South & Central American teams?
This is not America said in English, it’s America said in Spanish.
Mis 2 centavos.
What do you think?
Gene Bryan / HispanicAd.com