Deep engagement among Hispanic magazine readers.

Hispanics have more trust in magazine information and advertising than any other media outlet including TV, according to new research by the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA).

“We’ve undertaken this initiative to better understand the Hispanic magazine reader,” said Wayne Eadie, MPA Senior Vice President, Research. “Currently, Hispanic magazines get four percent of total media spending compared to 17 percent for the general market, which represents the gap in understanding the strong connection that magazines have with Hispanic consumers versus other media.”

“This study clearly establishes the viability of the Hispanic magazine market,” said Lou Lopez, Vice President, Synovate. “The research also demonstrates that Hispanic magazines are able to generate readership engagement levels on a par or exceeding general market magazines.”

According to Synovate research, 43% of Hispanics trust magazine advertising, while TV is trusted only by 38% and only 25% believe in Internet advertising. Similarly, 47% of Hispanic magazine readers trust the information reported in magazines, while only 37% deem Internet information to be credible. The research also shows that 85% of Hispanics read magazines, which is on par with the general market.

Hispanics appear to be less jaded by advertising than the general market. For example, Synovate found that 54% of Hispanics believe that magazine advertising provides them with something that they can’t find in other media such as TV, radio or the Internet, more so than the general market. Additionally, 73% of Hispanics say that magazine advertising gives them good ideas about what to buy.

Synovate’s research reveals that Hispanics value magazines for qualities that are similar to that in the market such as education and personal escape. However, Hispanics show a greater propensity to value magazines for social connection, aspiration and cultural relevance than the general market.

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