On Demand & In Demand: Multicultural Programming & Multicultural Consumers.

Video On Demand, HDTV, DVR and IPTV are transforming the way programming is delivered to consumers. At the same time, programming itself is undergoing a transformation as consumers demand more culturally relevant content. Today, multicultural consumers and niche audiences have become key competitive markets. What new opportunities and challenges face marketers in this new digital world? What new programming services are being developed to reach these diverse audiences in this increasingly fragmented media environment?

These are among the key topics to be addressed at the 5th Annual Horowitz Associates Forum on May 10, 2005. The topic this year is “On Demand & In Demand: Multicultural Programming and Multicultural Consumers.”

All attendees will receive a conference book and CD containing key findings from the State of Broadband Urban Markets VI study, the cutting-edge research study by Horowitz Associates, Inc., publishers of FOCUS: Latino. The CD contains valuable data and analysis you can use to better understand and market to America’s Latino, Black/African-American, Asian and urban consumers as well as what is happening with cable programming, digital services and advanced technologies!

Seating is limited, so advance registration is strongly recommended. To get more information or to register, visit this link: http://www.horowitzassociates.com/home.htm

To register by phone, call 914-834-5999.

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