Dewey Square Group launches DSG LATINovations.

Dewey Square Group announced the launch of DSG LATINovations, the firm’s new venture to tap the country’s fastest growing population.

DSG LATINovations will be led by former DNC Communications Director Maria Cardona and former Congressional Hispanic Caucus Executive Director Maria Robles Meier, bringing decades of experience in communication strategies, coalition building and marketing within the Hispanic community. Cardona is based in DSG’s Washington office and Meier is based in the firm’s office in Los Angeles.

“The very fabric of America is markedly different in this generation than in any generation before it,” said DSG Chairman Chuck Campion. “Today, the success of a growing number of public policy initiatives and products depend in no small part upon the ability to build support among the Hispanic community. DSG LATINovations can become Washington’s strongest Hispanic public affairs firm by building that support with some of the country’s leading Hispanic strategists.”

“Hispanic Americans are far from a monolithic community, and reaching them effectively is imperative but can be challenging as it needs to be done in an appropriate manner,” Cardona said.
“DSG LATINovations was created to help the public and private sectors build relationships with, navigate and successfully tap into the distinct and growing communities throughout.”

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