Digital Entertainment Revolution.

According to The Digital Entertainment Revolution a digital entertainment revolution is occurring, as consumers take increased control of how they use media and entertainment devices. Consumption of TV, film, music and video games is changing as consumer expectations increase. “On demand” content, interactivity and mobility, Internet social networks and User Generated Content (UGC) are also competing for consumer mindshare as they integrate into the media consumption experience.

Advanced digital entertainment is transcending isolated TV, mobile or computer platforms. Services, applications and content are proliferating on mobile devices.  TV sets, Blu-ray players and video game consoles are already shipping with built-in network connections that bridge Internet content to the living room. Industry players will need to manage their investments carefully as they enable multi-platform distribution, while still maintaining legacy services.

However, organizations that create and distribute media and content face challenges as content delivery methods and business models expand, and electronic delivery options begin to supplant old models. Such companies include production studios, record labels, gaming companies, publishers, sports leagues, broadcast networks, pay-TV networks and local broadcasters. A key challenge is that existing Information Technology (IT) infrastructures are not set up to handle the surge in new applications, and do not scale to support tens of millions of users generating billions of transactions. The entertainment industry needs to re-engineer its IT systems, interconnect with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), enable advanced advertising capabilities, and create entirely new interfaces with existing and new distribution partners.

Companies that navigate the rapidly changing landscape have the opportunity to tap into several revenue opportunities that In-Stat believes, in combination, will exceed $10 Billion in new revenue. Research sponsor, Capgemini, is helping define, shape and implement new business models for pioneering media and entertainment companies to take advantage of these critical opportunities.

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