Editorial Televisa now Televisa Publishing.

Editorial Televisa, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Grupo Televisa, announced that its US-based business unit, with headquarters in Miami, will henceforth operate under the name of Televisa Publishing. The change is reflective of the natural progression of the operation, which is primarily focused on serving the growing US and Puerto Rico Hispanic markets with a diverse portfolio of products that deliver editorial content in both Spanish and English, and will distinguish it from other Editorial Televisa units that operate throughout Latin America.

“Televisa Publishing will continue producing the traditional magazines and brands our readers and advertisers have grown to rely upon,” said David Taggart, General Manager and Group Publisher. “At the same time we will focus on bringing to the market new products across a variety of content and distribution platforms that are uniquely positioned for and relevant to the audiences we serve in the United States and Puerto Rico.”

In recent years, Televisa Publishing has grown its portfolio by launching new publications including ESPN Deportes La Revista , Tu Dinero, and Prevention en Español, and acquiring existing titles such as Poder. The company is also placing increased emphasis on delivering content via the online space and growing its offering to US Hispanics that consume information in English.

The company’s management team does not foresee any significant operational changes as a result of the change in name and expects to continue to leverage its relationship with the parent company, Editorial Televisa Internacional.

“We will continue to have close links with other Editorial Televisa operating units throughout Latin America, sharing content and other resources when deemed appropriate, but the management team in the US will continue to concentrate primarily on managing and developing business ventures in the markets we directly serve,” added Taggart.

Televisa Publishing’s four offices in the United States and Puerto Rico –Miami, New York Los Angeles, and San Juan – will remain in place.

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