Education Fund Launched in Memory of Hector Galvan

On February 1, 2014 the Hispanic business and marketing community lost an advocate as Hector Galvan from Sprint passed away.

Hector was an avid champion of genuine Hispanic community engagement and supported countless Hispanic media, bloggers, and organizations dedicated to improving Latino communities. He served as an ambassador making sure the needs of the public were understood, well addressed and met.

He was on the board of the local Los Angeles Boys & Girls Club, volunteered his time to various other community groups and was a strong believer in higher education as the gateway to success, being a proud graduate of both USC and Cal-Berkeley. Throughout his 25 years in public relations, multicultural marketing and community outreach, Hector was known for his passion and tireless efforts to ensure companies were invested in the growing and important segment.

“Hector was a man of integrity and will be remembered for his enthusiasm and passion as part of the Sprint team,” said Doug Duvall, vice president of corporate communications at Sprint. “But more so, his memory will live on through the love he had for his family and the Hispanic community.”

He is survived by his loving wife, Maria Isabel, three children Cindy, Kevin and Matthew and three grandchildren, Jeremiah, Justin and baby Jazzy.

The family has announced the creation of a special scholarship fund to help ensure Hector’s two young boys, Kevin and Mathew have the resources they need for college. All are encouraged to pledge online CLICK HERE.

The site uses the latest encryption technology to ensure every donation is secure. Once the campaign is over in June, the monies will be transferred to the Galvan family to establish a 529 College plan for each of the boys.


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