El Hispano News Launches Parent Institute.

El Hispano News in Dallas/Forth Worth, in collaboration with the Dallas Independent School District will launch a series of parent institutes this year. The initiative will be called “Parents Step Ahead” and will be held throughout the Dallas area in predominantly Hispanic communities. The seminars will aim in preparing and educating parents on the numerous challenges that plague our youth. The program will empower parents to become better educators and role models.

“We attributes El Hispano News success to the loyalty of our readers so it seems only appropriate that we dedicate our 20th Anniversary to their empowerment,” said El Hispano News Associate Publisher Lupita Colmenero. “These Institutes will help Hispanic parents become more involved in their children’s education, thus improving their child’s chances of success in school and in life,” added publisher, Marcos N. Suarez.

The “Parents Step Ahead” program will consist of three parent institutes which will be open to public participation and will provide access to the highest authority figures in parenting and early education to local parents that are starving for such assistance, in all, to parents that want to be “a parent step ahead” of their children’s education and development. Each Institute will include a complimentary breakfast; welcome address, breakout sessions and or small closing lunch.

At the conclusion of the year, El Hispano News will host its 20th Anniversary Gala in which it will name the 2006 “Parents Step Ahead” Parent of the Year, from an application of parents that attend the whole program and selected by a committee comprised of local corporate and community leaders.

The first of its kind for the Hispanic community, the Institute promises to be an eye opening and motivational experience for all parents wishing to stay “A Step Ahead” of their child’s education and success.

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