EL PAÍS US is born

EL PAÍS US is born, the edition of the information leader in Spanish from the United States for the United States.

The agenda of Hispanics in this territory can no longer be separated from the future of the rest of the nation: the GDP contributed by these citizens exceeds, for example, that of the United Kingdom, France, or Italy. Central topics such as education, the economy, health, culture, and entertainment, in addition to migration, already have their space in EL PAÍS US, which can be accessed by selecting this new edition on the website, adding to the covers from Mexico, EL PAÍS in English, Colombia, Chile and Spain.

The new edition wants to address Hispanic readers directly to inform and tell stories that help interpret their reality and aspirations. Those of a community experiencing a moment of strength, growing in number and influence, and occupying a greater political, economic, technological, and cultural space every day.

Cinema, television, sports, and art speak more Spanish today than ever. Its presence in the field of music is already incontestable. In a historically English-dominant society like the United States, it is no longer surprising to hear Spanish at any stage. EL PAÍS US will closely follow the leaders in all these areas.

Pepa Bueno, Editor-in-Chief of EL PAÍS, highlights that it is “an edition made in and from the United States, which will allow us to advance in our commitment to informing the Latin community.” She adds that “EL PAÍS US represents a great challenge at a unique time: it was born a few months before a presidential election expected to be very close, with Donald Trump’s attempt to return to the White House. Our challenge is to offer a voice and rigorous information space to the more than 60 million people who speak Spanish in the United States, to promote participation in a key community’s political, social, economic, or cultural life in the daily life of American democracy.”

The editorial team is made up of a team of reporters who work on the ground, from California to New York, under the coordination of journalist Inés Santaulalia, who until now has been responsible for the newspaper in the Andean region (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia). It will also have the support of one of the largest networks of journalists in the Spanish-speaking world, with nearly 400 journalists distributed in newsrooms and delegations worldwide, especially in America and Europe.

In addition to the website, it will have its own social networks on Instagram and X. Meanwhile, on Facebook, El País will build a US group and community in its main account, which currently has more than 300,000 followers in the country. Given the rise of Spanish use in the United States, it will be an information platform both for those who have Spanish as their mother tongue and for those who use it as a second language.

The new edition begins with special coverage of the upcoming American elections, which will take place on November 5, where the vote of the Latino community, which already totals 36 million voters, is presented as fundamental for the nation’s future.

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