El Poder de Saber @ Telemundo.

In its debut year, “El Poder de Saber” will focus on education and its value with three key messages: “Ayúdales a Educar”(Help them Educate) which encourages parents to get involved with their children’s schoolwork; “Nunca es Tarde” (It’s Never Too Late) promoting it’s never too late to go back to school and pursue an education; and “Anótate el Gol de Tu Vida” (Score the Goal of a Lifetime) encouraging kids to stay in school. The spots highlight Telemundo stars Jessi Losada (Deportes Telemundo) and Erick Elías (Winner, Protagonistas de Novela 2), as well as Eva Tamargo, one of the stars of NBC’s “Passions” and host of the recent Telemundo reality-show sensation, “La Cenicienta”.

“Telemundo’s commitment to the Hispanic community continues with this year-long campaign of positive messages on education; it is one of our top priorities,” said Diana Sousa, Vice President of Corporate Communications, Telemundo. “With El Poder de Saber we hope to encourage viewers to get out and get informed on ways they can improve their lives and achieve their dreams.”

Telemundo is also launching a Website solely for this campaign, http://www.elpoderdesaber.com , where viewers will be able to find more information and links to the U.S. Department of Education and the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans who are partnering with Telemundo this year to set forth the educational messages.

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