ESPN Deportes debuts Jorge Ramos y Su Banda.

Monday, August 17 marks a new beginning for legendary sportscaster Jorge Ramos. Better known by his listeners as “El Relator de las Américas,” Ramos, who has been with ESPN Deportes Radio since 2006, will embark on a new journey when he makes his long-awaited debut on ESPN Deportes TV with the simulcast of his radio show Jorge Ramos y su Banda. A native of Uruguay, Ramos is one of the true pioneers in “La Radio Hispana”. The beloved “Relator de Las Americas” has strong ties to Chicago where he started his career at the local radio station WEDC 1248AM with the show Panorama Deportivo…And as the story goes, the rest is history. Even though he has over 2,600 soccer matches under his belt, including four World Cups, Ramos says that one of the most gratifying moments in his career was “calling the 1986 World Cup,” the first World Cup on Spanish-language radio in the U.S., a moment he calls “the birth of Spanish-language sports radio.” caught up with Ramos earlier this week between rehearsals from his newly created state-of-the-art radio studios / new TV show set in Miami. Jorge, you’ve been in the Spanish-language radio industry for more than 30 years. From your point of view, how has the industry evolved?

Mr. Ramos: The evolution of radio has passed through various facets such as the recognition of the publicity community as a real and direct force reaching the great Hispanic population. In terms of programming, the situation is a little different since it is difficult to find relevancy in the same. There is a lot of entertainment but it has little to do with topics that impact the lives of our people, there is still a lot to do in that area. From your point of view, why do you think the TV simulcast of radio shows in the sports industry has continues growing?

Mr. Ramos: In Spanish this is the first time that this will happen, but it is proven to work since the general market has been enjoying it for a very long time. The motives vary, but its attractiveness comes from the ability of the audience to enter the habitat of radio and appreciate the improvised and less calculated way in which everything is done, where they will see us in short sleeve shirts, with our messy hair, scratching our ears, doing things that are simple yet always attractive. You reach fans via multiplatform mediums. Your show reaches fans via radio, TV and online. What do you consider the biggest difference between radio and TV?

Mr. Ramos: The greatest difference lies in the stamp and the rapidity with which radio is able to communicate, aside from the fact that it is at the reach of anyone, at anytime. T.V. requires another form of preparation and even with today’s technological advances, it still does not have the immediacy of radio. Yet one must also say that the impact of what is communicated on TV. is much greater than what is communicated on radio. How would you describe your reporting style? And how would you compare it to other sports journalists?

Mr. Ramos: Our style is casual, incisor and controversial, we play with judgment at the risk of being criticized, but it is authentic journalism that not many are willing to do. I do not compare myself with others because we are all different, that is the good thing about this type of programming, IT IS NOT DUPLICABLE, different from music and gossip about stars. The opinion of a serious journalist cannot be the opinion of another, even though he too may takes things seriously. The show starts to air on ESPN Deportes TV this Monday, August 17. How has the transition been thus far?

Mr. Ramos: Without problems. It has been four years since I have been with the company only doing radio, today I am simply adding the television part. ESPN Deportes offers an extensive programming line-up with strong soccer content. How do you think Jorge Ramos y Su Banda’s content will differentiate itself from other shows?

Mr. Ramos: Ours does not only pass through information, ours passes because the information gives us the opportunity to generate controversy and this in turn generates passion. We Hispanics are very passionate and instantly heat up in the discussion after taking a side, this is something that enriches and entertains. Can you give us a preview of what your show has in store for ESPN Deportes viewers?

Mr. Ramos: The essence of the program cannot be lost, the crossed fire, the cold but profound analysis, the satire that produces the different postures of journalist, etc…The televised part will accompany the topics with videos and graphics in order to make the program more entertaining and also to keep our faces from frightening the children that just returned from school (laughs). The South Africa World Cup is right around the corner, what role will Jorge Ramos y Su Banda play within ESPN Deportes’ coverage of the World Cup?

Mr. Ramos: With what they have shared we will have an elevated role within the programming of ESPN Deportes TV and radio. During the event we will be reporting live from South Africa, along with all the others that the competition produces, but fundamentally we will be where Hispanics will find the window to express their points of views, yell their victories, or justify their defeats. While on the field the games last only 90 minutes, with us they will last until the start of the next game from each one of our leagues, something that no one else can say because our emissaries are committed to the sport, they are not musical who are only there to bring them a game and once done go back to music. Many times, the best part of a soccer game takes place before and after the actual game.

Jorge Ramos y su Banda will debut on ESPN Deportes TV on August 17. The daily three-hour show will be simulcast for television and it will continue to follow its radio format. The show will air at its regular time 4:00pm- 7:00 pmET and will feature 9 new segments exclusively produced for television.

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