Estudia 2002 Congress To Focus On Creation Of Bilingual University In Florida.

Educators and others from throughout the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean are being invited to attend the International Educational Congress 2002, which will focus on plans for the creation of Florida’s first fully bilingual university.

Those attending the conference, scheduled for April 11, 12 and 13, 2002, in Miami, will also be discussing scholarships for students and professionals from Spanish-speaking countries.

“One of our key goals is to integrate the different educational systems of different countries pertaining to scientific, technical and humanistic issues into a system that will lend itself to education in the new millennium,” said Dr. Humphrey Humberto Pachecker, president of the National Association of Foreign Attorneys (NAFA). NAFA, based in Miami, is organizing and sponsoring the international congress, known as Estudia 2002.

Pachecker said that higher education authorities from throughout South America, Central America, the Caribbean and the United States are expected to participate in the congress and contribute the type of innovative ideas that will be necessary for the successful formation of the university.

“We hope that through the creation of a bilingual university and through scholarships we will be able to prepare students and professionals for work in today’s economy,” Pachecker said. “This will not only benefit them by improving their way of life and reducing the necessity for them to emmigrate to other parts of the world, but it will provide long-term benefits to their countries as well.”

To help determine what areas of study the university and scholarships should be focused on, NAFA has commissioned a marketing study that will identify careers that are in the greatest need of qualified professional employees.

The Estudia Congress is open to all educators and other professionals from around the world.

For more information about the congress and how to participate, contact NAFA at (305) 553-6100, by e-mail at NA*****@be*******.net or by regular mail at NAFA, 11890 SW 8th St., Miami, FL 33184.

You can also find out more about the conference by visiting the NAFA web site at or

NAFA is an international Miami-based association with a reputation in international relations. NAFA was founded to help attorneys in the development of their international, legal practice.

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