Experts discuss Latinos Shaping Census Results & Congressional Reapportionment.

Today Tuesday, November 17th at 12 PM Eastern, experts on immigration and Latino political engagement will discuss a new report from America’s Voice Education Fund showing how Latinos are helping to re-shape the political map. 
Nineteen states are poised to see changes in their Congressional representation due to the 2010 Census.  This Tuesday, learn how Latinos will shape the make-up of Congress going forward, and what this means for the politics of immigration reform.
Andres Ramirez, Senior Vice President & Director of Hispanic Programs, NDN   
Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America’s Voice Education Fund
Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)
Kim Brace, President, Election Data Services
WHAT: Experts to Discuss How Latinos are Shaping Congressional Reapportionment
WHEN: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 12 PM ET
WHERE: NDN: 729 15th Street, NW, 1st Floor, Washington, DC
REMOTE ACCESS: Live-Stream Available at>

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