Exploring relationship between brand and behavior for Online Video Advertising.

Visible Measures and Dynamic Logic announced that they will jointly work on projects to provide marketers with an unprecedented view into both the branding impact as well as the behavioral impact of online video advertising. The new relationship is built around a shared interest in helping marketers understand how digital video advertising campaigns impact overall brand perception.

Many marketers are beginning to recognize the potential of Internet video as a platform for building brands and delivering messages. The medium’s extraordinary popularity with viewers has been fueled by the breadth of available content, the flexibility of the user experience, and the viral nature of video sharing. Research firm eMarketer projects more than 85% of the U.S. Internet population will consume Internet video by 2011, up from roughly 63% in 2006. The last time this kind of viewership growth occurred in a new medium was when the television was introduced in the early 1950s. However, the industry is now exploring how to effectively measure and monetize the medium, and standards for gauging success have yet to be established.

“With Dynamic Logic’s extensive background in online ad effectiveness research, they are a natural choice to partner with Visible Measures in our ongoing efforts to determine the true value of Internet video as an advertising medium,” said Brian Shin, Visible Measures’ co-founder and CEO. “We are looking forward to collaborating on projects that will offer our customers the data and insight to make a solid business case for future digital video advertising investments.”

“Television has always been seen as a great brand building medium,” said Ken Mallon, Dynamic Logic’s vice president of advertising effectiveness consulting. “We are excited about the synergistic value we can bring in understanding the relationship between brand and behavior for online video.”

Earlier today, Visible Measures announced the availability of VisibleCampaign, a technology-enabled service offering designed to provide advertisers and agencies with fundamental campaign success measures like viral reach and audience engagement. By conducting joint research projects, Dynamic Logic and Visible Measures will now offer the market the ability to create an end-to-end view on how viral reach and audience engagement affect the core areas of brand impact including brand recall, perception, and purchase intent.

“As our clients continue to expand their investment in brand content and Internet video, we need to be able to determine the impact of this type of content, as well as to capture learning to identify what drives highly engaging experiences,” said Terry Cohen, senior vice president of strategy and analytics at Digitas, a leading digital marketing agency. “We’re looking forward to working with both Dynamic Logic and Visible Measures on measuring the effectiveness of upcoming digital video-focused ad campaigns.”

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