FCC launches ‘BLOGBAND’ to chronicle National Broadband Plan.

To stimulate public dialogue over the development of a National Broadband Plan, the Federal Communications Commission is launching a new blog, called “Blogband.” The blog will chronicle the development of the plan and invite readers to comment.

“To foster public dialogue about the National Broadband Plan, we’re tapping the power of the Internet to launch a new FCC blog,” FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski wrote in the blog’s first post. “Blogband will keep people up-to-date about the work the FCC is doing and the progress we’re making. But we want it to be a two-way conversation. The feedback, ideas, and discussions generated on this blog will be critical in developing the best possible National Broadband Plan.”

The blog can be found at http://blog.broadband.gov>.

The FCC is also launching on the microblogging platform, Twitter, at http://www.twitter.com/fccdotgov>. The FCC’s tweets will include news about the FCC and progress reports on the National Broadband Plan.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 directed the FCC to submit a National Broadband Plan to Congress by February 17, 2010 that addresses broadband deployment, adoption, affordability, and the use of broadband to advance solutions to national priorities, including health care, education, energy, public safety, job creation, investment, and others.

For more information at http://www.broadband.gov>

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