FOX Sports World Español Expands AHAA Scholarship Program.

Fox Sports World Español (FSWE) donated $12,500 to the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies’ (AHAA) Scholarship Fund. Jeff Shell, president and chief executive officer for FSWE parent Fox Cable Networks Group, presented the scholarship check to Horacio Gomes, president of AHAA during FSWE’s upfront presentation in New York. AHAA’s Scholarship Fund is managed by the Hispanic Scholarship Fund who provided a match from the Eli Lilly Endowment, bringing the total gift to $25,000.

The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies initiated its scholarship program only last year, and since then, has awarded scholarships of $2,500 to 20 qualifying students each spring. These scholarships are reserved specifically for those Latino students pursuing degrees in AHAA-related fields including advertising, marketing, mass media and communications. AHAA works in conjunction with the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) whose goal is to double the graduation rate for Hispanic college students from 9 to 18 percent within the next five years. AHAA will now utilize the Fox Sports World Español and Fox Cable Networks Group monies for qualified college students, looking for help offsetting their upcoming 2001-2002 fall tuition.

In making the announcement, Mr. Shell said, “We applaud AHAA’s efforts in helping Latino students fulfill their professional dreams. We’re very fortunate within Fox Cable Networks – and especially within Fox Sports World Español to recognize the value of a more diversified workforce, and so we see this donation as an investment toward our own future as well as the students who will immediately benefit.”

“Through the generous support from Fox Sports World Español, we are now able to provide more assistance for students continuing their education and developing their skills to enter the professional world,” said Horacio Gomes, president of AHAA. “It is critical to our industry that we help equip the next generation of leaders with the knowledge they need to succeed – and these scholarships will provide them with one more tool to help them get there.”

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