Fútbol de Primera Radio acquires FIFA World Cup Soccer from 2018 Through 2022.

Fútbol de Primera Radio announced that it has acquired the exclusive terrestrial and satellite radio rights in the Spanish language of the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups to be held in Russia and Qatar respectively.

After lengthy negotiations FIFA decided to award the radio rights to FDP RADIO which has broadcasted the 2002-2006-2010 FIFA World Cups and will also be the exclusive Spanish language official radio of FIFA´s World Cup Brazil 2014.
“This is a joyous moment and one of which I am extremely proud of. Having retained the rights amongst such fierce competitions, only speaks of Fútbol de Primera´s credibility and track record in the Hispanic media space in the United States,” Andrés Cantor, Chairman of Fútbol de Primera said.

“I want to thank FIFA for its continued trust in our company, recognizing our strong radio network of 100 radio affiliates throughout the United States. ¨Alex Gutman, Co- Chairman of Futbol de Primera radio said.

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