The Future of Higher Education for Hispanics.

From California State University President Dr. Mildred Garcia to University of Texas (San Antonio) President Dr. Ricardo Romo to Miami Dade College President Dr. Eduardo J. Padron, many of America’s most influential university leaders will be attending the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education’s (AAHHE) conference on Building Pathways-Construyendo Caminos, Fulfilling Expectations from March 6 – 8, at the Hyatt Regency Miami where Miami Dade College will serve as the host.

“Is the system failing Hispanics or are Hispanics failing to advance academically because of other factors?” says Dr. Padron, president of Miami Dade College. “This is one of the many questions we hope to address at the upcoming AAHHE conference where some of the top thinkers in higher education will convene. We are honored and excited to host these leaders from across the country.”

This national conference also marks a historical milestone for AAHHE; for the first time, AAHHE will host a Hispanic college and university presidents’ panel.

For more information on the conference or to register, please visit> or call Dr. Olivas at 602-496-1150.

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