Gender differences among Hispanic Millennials. [INSIGHTS]
June 18, 2012
By Insight Tr3s
Hispanic Millennials are different from Hispanics in their thirties and beyond … and even among themselves, male and female adult Hispanic Millennials differ from each other in significant ways. According to an analysis of Simmons data, here are a few important gender distinctions among Latinos 18 to 29 that span education, employment, finances, social media an technology among other factors:
Country of Origin
– Females are more likely to be U.S.-born than males. 59% of Hispanic F18-29 were born in the U.S., compared with 55% of M18-29. This difference is driven by the 18 to 24 group: 65% of F18-24 are U.S.-born, vs. 58% of M18-24. The 25 to 29 demographic does not have this disparity; half of males and females were born in the U.S.
– Males are more likely to have been born in Mexico. Overall, 26% of Hispanic M18-29 were born in Mexico, compared with 17% of F18-29. The 25-to-29 segment skews more Mexican-born than 18-24s, but among both groups males are significantly more likely to have emigrated from Mexico.
Social Media and Technology
– Females are more active on social media. Hispanic F18-29 are more likely than Hispanic M18-29 to post/comment on social media sites (33% F18-29, 25% M18-29), receive frequent requests to connect on social media sites (31% F18-29, 26% M18-29), access social media sites from different devices (28% F18-29, 23% M18-29), and click on links or items posted by others (29% F18-29, 22% M18-29). Overall, F18-24 are significantly more active users than F25-29, but there are fewer differences in social media behavior among M18-24 and M25-29.
– Males are more into gadgets. 42% of Hispanic M18-29 love to buy new gadgets and appliances, compared with 32% of F18-29. They’re also more likely to say they like to have a lot of gadgets. On the other hand, Hispanic F18-29 – especially F25-29 — are more likely to say they’re able to manage without many technology products that others find essential (41% F18-29, 36% M18-29).
– Males are bigger video game fans. 28% of Hispanic M18-29 find video games more entertaining than television, compared with 9% of F18-29. 25 of M18-29 say video games are their main source of entertainment (9% of F18-29).
– Males are more likely to be employed full-time. 43% of Hispanic M18-29 have full-time jobs, while 28% of F18-29 do. F18-24 are the group least likely to be working full-time (19%), probably because they’re most likely to be in college. M25-29 are by far the group most likely to have full-time jobs (61%). At half that rate (30%), M18-24 are not faring as well.
– Females – especially 18-24s — are attaining higher levels of education. 41% of Hispanic F18-29 have had at least some college education, compared with 28% of M18-29. While 18-24s are overall more likely to have some college than 25-29s, F18-24 is the standout group in this area. 46% of them have some college, vs. 29% of M18-24.
– College-age females are 50% more likely to be full-time college students than males in the same age group. 31% of Hispanic F18-24 are in college full-time, compared with 21% of M18-24.
Personal Finance
– Females are more likely to be taking charge of their finances. They are more likely not to like the idea of being in debt (55% F18-29, 51% M18-29), to say they’re careful with their money (50% F18-29, 44% M18-29), to be concerned about credit card identity theft (51% F18-29, 42% M18-29), and to consider themselves good at managing money (41% F18-29, 37% M18-29).
Plans for the Next Year
– Females 18-24 have more ambitious plans for the next year. They are more likely than Hispanic M18-24 to plan to enroll in or return to college (22% F18-24, 16% M18-24), change from their current job to a better one (22% F18-24, 15% M18-24), and graduate from school (16% F18-24, 10% M18-24).
Source: Experian Simmons, Winter 2011 NHCS Adult Survey 12-month