Generation ñ broadband network launches.

Bowing with “Novela,” a hilarious and edgy sitcom about life behind the scenes at a fly-by-night Spanish-language telenovela, is described by founder Bill Teck as a “Boutique Broadband Network,” that will deliver content for users seeking video populated by bilingual, bi-cultural Latinos.

Expanding in the coming months with a variety of mostly 5-7 minute programming, ranging from mini-documentaries to comedy, dramatic and reality-based fare, the broadband channel will also host a few select half-hour shows. “We’ll use crowd sourcing in order to host content from all over the world to create a network that truly reflects the diversity and richness of the American Latino experience,” said Teck. Other aspects of the site will rely on the vast library of stories from the initial years of Generation ñ magazine and an aggregator blog with content updated daily.

Generation ñ will also launch sites geared regionally to the Miami, Los Angeles and New York Latino markets later this year. “In the past you had to broadcast to this very diverse group of Latinos as if they were one giant monolith. Thanks to the power of narrowcasting we can allow audiences can to filter their own content to their tastes,” says Teck.

“Our take on things is more like what you might find on some of the pay cable services, this is Latino 2.0, the Latin thing, but with more cowbell,” adds director of content Rene Granado.

Generation ñ will also feature ñ indies, housing independent fare that previously has been hard to find on major Latin websites. ñ Indies will serve as a boutique for Independent Feature Films for download and sale on DVD.

Initially the site will feature content mostly created by KIE Films, Roughworks Entertainment and HD content purveyors rumbleGiant, in addition to other independent producers and outlets.

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