Geoscape lanches Savvy University College of Business.

Geoscape introduces Savvy University College of Business to satisfy corporate America’s appetite for knowledge about growth markets and the value of the culturally diverse American consumer to corporate strategy. Savvy U College of Business will offer a continuous series of educational webinars presented by experienced leaders on a variety of corporate strategy topics. Business professionals can expect to gain ground-breaking information that will help them understand diverse segments from a strategic, business analytical standpoint.

The first course, Why In-Culture Marketing is Critical to the Long Term Success of Any American Enterprise, takes place on February 11th, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. EST. This course will feature César Melgoza, Founder & CEO of Geoscape®, along with Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at Florida State University. With over 50 years of experience combined, Melgoza and Korzenny will share their expertise and knowledge on why marketing to high-growth segments such as Hispanics, Asians and African-Americans is critical to securing growth for corporations.

“Advancing knowledge about multicultural marketing is not just about the important statistics that define the cultural segments and it is not just about the language issues, it is also about cultural knowledge that allows for deep connections with the consumer,” states Dr. Korzenny. Dr. Korzenny has published six books and almost a hundred research publications pertaining to communication preference and cultures of Hispanics.

All funds generated from each course will be contributed towards the Savvy University Scholarship Fund, which will benefit university research programs nationwide. To register for this course and for a complete list of Savvy University College of Business webinars.

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