Gigante supermarkets to accept political advertising in-store.

Urban Tiger Marketing (UTM), a recently founded marketing company and Gigante USA, a Mexico-based supermarket chain have announced an agreement to place advertisements on grocery carts inside Gigante’s 9 North American stores. The agreement will allow UTM to accept and place political advertisements. Gigante USA is widely believed to be the first retailer willing to accept this type of advertising.

Grocery cart advertising is a powerful Point of Purchase (POP) advertising tool that places ads directly in front of shopper’s eyes so that they‚re highly visible.. What‚s unique about this agreement is that previously, retailers found paid political ads a bit too sensitive to place in their stores. However, that sentiment is changing. “We’re trying to distinguish ourselves within the community. When you get access to a vehicle to communicate with the masses, it’s a win win situation, both for us and our customers,” said Raul Lopez, Advertising Marketing Manager for Gigante USA.

Grocery cart advertising is one of a series of offerings that UTM employs to reach target customers of companies of all sizes. Company founder and President, Roger Stewart brings more than 20 years of experience working in mainstream as well as urban markets. “His years of experience speak volumes about the know how he brings to the table,” said Lopez. “As an up and coming business in the community that he‚s going to be working around, he has a depth of understanding of our demographic. Plus there may be things he may know that we may not. It‚s about providing a benefit.”

Grocery cart advertising, while not new, has only recently been made available to medium and small business in a way that enables them to actually take advantage of this highly successful advertising medium. “This deal not only represents a bold new direction, but also affords Gigante USA the opportunity to increase it’s customer offerings, and make itself available to mainstream marketers and business‚ that might not have known they existed before” said Stewart.

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